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This was a project when i was on the Asian Leadership Program in Zhe Jiang University. The theme I was in is Augmented Human and i took one of the courses called Information Product Design. During this course, we were tasked to make a product under the general theme of cultivating good habits.

Our team decided that we should make a product that cultivates the good habit of saving in young kids. We designed a kid friendly cat shaped product with a fish shaped "phone". The cat shaped product was suppose to act as a piggy bank, showing how much money the kid had saved. The savings would be displayed on a split flip diagrams, as shown on the right.

Since Alipay was prevalent all over China, we decided to work on this existing idea by using QR codes and scanning. The fish shaped "phone" is able to store money which is determined by the parents, something like pocket money. Then the child would be able to spend the money on whatever items they want, using QR codes generated on the phone. The remaining money can thus be transferred to the piggy bank by just attaching the phone to it.

To motivate the child to save, the parent and child can set a target item for the kid that both parties agree on. This item can be seen by scanning the piggy bank. A VR item would be shown as well as the percentage the child has saved with respect to the price of the item.

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